Connecting facts

Lydia Wagner was provably murdered by her doctor in order to fraudulently obtain her assets.
After years of preliminary proceedings, a corresponding court case is currently underway against the defendants regarding the damages of EUR 38.5 million fraudulently caused by this.
One sub-action in this context was the forgery of my mother’s will, which has now been confirmed by three independent Austrian court experts.
After the first court confirmation of the forgery of the will by the court expert of the Regional Court for Criminal Matters Vienna, Mr. Friedrich Nicponsky, the defendants forged additional comparison manuscripts that were tailored to the forgery characteristics determined by the expert and submitted them to the second court expert, Mr. Rettenbacher, as genuine comparison manuscripts.
As a result of this deception by the other side, the Salzburg District Court initially did not confirm the forgery of the will.
However, after it was proven that the comparative handwriting samples accepted as “genuine” by handwriting expert Rettenbacher were also forgeries, he retracted the misguided conclusion of his expert opinion, which had previously been in favor of the perpetrators.
Although all expert opinions commissioned by the courts have since confirmed the forgery of the will and Mr. Rettenbacher’s only counter-opinion from 1999 has been expressly revoked, the perpetrators’ lawyers argue that a retrial and correction of the manipulated false judgment is only admissible if the new technical methods applied in 2016 in the expert opinion of Prof. Dr. Nyman’s expert opinion had provided a possible gain in knowledge with which the forgery of the will and the subsequently added forged settlement documents could have been better recognized and proven.